Since pie is a way of life for some folks — including the Mrs. Smith’s® brand team — a “pieclamation” was developed to be a foundation for the “People for Pie” website. The “pieclamation” reads:
We are a group united by the belief that the world deserves more pie, more often. No longer shall our beloved baked good be restricted to just select holidays. Because, frankly, that’s dumb. For pie is round, thus forming a delicious meeting spot, thus creating an occasion to gather, thus solidifying the bonds of togetherness.
Thus, pie rules. For Binge Streaming Weekends, No-Shower Sundays, Manic Mondays, Reality TV Wednesdays, Throwback Thursdays, Book Club, even Wine Night disguised as Book Club. Together, we can make any day Pie Day when we tell the world in a firm, yet polite manner that we’d like “MORE PIE, PLEASE!”
Showcasing their serious love for pie, the Mrs. Smith’s® brand team even submitted a proposal to the United States Postal Service to make a special-edition set of postal stamps that feature illustrations of fruit pies and that are scratch and sniff.
And if that wasn’t enough, for those who are really committed to the cause, the website even has a petition for pie enthusiasts to sign, asking the president of the United States to declare, Jan. 23, National Pie Day, as a national day of rest.
Now that’s a real dedication to pie.
To learn more about Mrs. Smith’s® pie visit www.mrssmiths.com.