Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Six people receive our top employee recognition

July 10, 2024 — At Schwan’s Company, we have a long-standing tradition of recognizing employees who best represent our core principles and our culture.

Former CEO Dimitrios Smyrnios, left, and newly appointed CEO
Brian Schiegg helped celebrate our 2024 Founders' Award
recipients: Lisa Haen, Theresa Zaske, Michael Gunn, Lisa
Harmening, Cliff Buck and Dwayne Dahlberg.
This year was no different.

We recently recognized six of our best with our most prestigious honor — the Founders’ Award.

Recipients this year included:

  • Dwayne Dahlberg, an area distribution manager for our Consumer Brands business who has been with us for six years.

  • Michael Gunn, a culinary director for our research and development team who has been with the company for 22 years.

  • Theresa Zaske, a community relations manager who has been with the company for 35 years.

  • Lisa Harmening, our vice president of solutions delivery who has been with our information services team for 33 years.

  • Lisa Haen, a senior learning and development business partner who has been with the company for 25 years.

  • Cliff Buck, a senior distribution manager who has worked for us for more than three decades.

Schwan's Company's Founders’ Award recognizes employees who demonstrate our company’s principles of “Integrity, Passion, Creativity and Respect,” and whose actions help the company achieve our core value of OnlyOne (to be first, best or different in the marketplace).

CEO Brian Schiegg and other executive leaders traveled to each recipient’s work location to surprise them with the recognition. Their family members were also invited to the surprise events. On top of that, the recipients were officially presented with the award during an awards dinner.

Watch the accompanying video to see it all happen!

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